Dear visitor, welcome to this wonderful Game of Life simulation.
The game of life is a simplistic simulation of cellular life in a rasterized
world. Each grid-point $G_{i,j}$ is either alive or dead. It has eight neighbours,
namely $G_{i-1,j-1}$,$G_{i-1,j}$,$G_{i-1,j+1}$,$G_{i,j-1}$,$G_{i,j+1}$,$G_{i+1,j-1}$,
$G_{i+1,j}$ and $G_{i+1,j+1}$. The cell at $G_{i,j}$ survives only
if the sum of its alive neighbours is either two or three. Otherwise it will
die. A dead cell $G_{i,j}$ will become alive if exactly three of its neighbours
are alive -- this is (sort of) reproduction.