
When we look at things with our eyes, the eye obtains information about an external object from light whose trajectory is (mostly) a straight line from the object to the eye. Therefore, the eye can only perceive a flat, two-dimensional projection of the three-dimensional geometry of the external object. However, if two eyes are directed toward the same external entity, they will generally receive different projections. Knowing the spatial separation of the eyes, our mind can reconstruct the actual shape of and distance to the external object. Although immensely useful, this procedure is not foolproof. One example is in the "spot the difference"-images, in which you are presented with two almost identical pictures and asked to find the differences. Instead of aligning both eyes at one photograph at a time, if you focus your eyes somewhere in the air above the images on the table, there is a point at which a copy of the image would project similarly to both eyes as the two images on the table do. There is, therefore, no way (locally) for the eyes to distinguish a single central image that is close, from two identical images further away. In the case of the "spot the difference"-images, this is actually a neat way to solve the puzzle. If you focus your eyes on the place where the images would merge -- left eye looks at the right image, and right eye looks at the left image -- then, in failing to make sense of the differences in the images when they merge, the brain will display the differences as flickering between the two options.

The same effect can be used to make hidden 3D objects out of flat patterns. Let $S(x,y)$ be the color of a planar pattern at the point $(x,y)$. Now, if $S$ is horizontally repeating, i.e. $S(x,y)=S(x+W,y)$ for all $x,y$, then we will still perceive a flat pattern when focusing on the image that merges the two copies of the pattern. Let $(\pm d/2,0,0)$ be the co-ordinates of your eyes and consider an almost flat, imagined surface $z=Z(x,y)$. The rays $\mathbf{r}_\pm(t)$ from the eyes to a point $(x,y,Z(x,y))$ on the surface can be expressed by \[ \mathbf{r}_\pm (t) = \left[\pm \frac{d}{2} + t\left(x\mp \frac{d}{2}\right)\right]\mathbf{e}_x +ty\mathbf{e}_y + tZ(x,y)\mathbf{e}_z. \] Extending these rays until they reach a plane at $z=L$, we find that $t=L/Z(X,Y)$, so that the two resulting points in the flat $z=L$ plane corresponds to \[ \mathbf{R}_\pm (t) = \left[\frac{L}{Z}x \pm \frac{d}{2}\left(1-\frac{L}{Z}\right)\right]\mathbf{e}_x +\frac{L}{Z}y\mathbf{e}_y + L\mathbf{e}_z. \] This will perhaps be more informative if we introduce $Z(x,y)=L_0+\delta z(x,y)$ and perturb to first order around $\delta z=0$. Let us also omit the $z$-co-ordinate, knowing all points are in the same plane. The result is then \[ \begin{align*} \mathbf{R}_\pm^{xy} (t) &= \frac{L}{L_0+\delta z}x\mathbf{e}_x + \frac{L}{L_0+\delta z}y\mathbf{e}_y \pm \frac{d}{2}\mathbf{e}_x \mp \frac{d}{2}\frac{L}{L_0+\delta z}\mathbf{e}_x \\ &\simeq \frac{L}{L_0}\left[x \pm \frac{d}{2}\frac{L_0-L}{L} -\left(x\mp \frac{d}{2}\right)\frac{\delta z}{L_0}\right]\mathbf{e}_x +\frac{L}{L_0}\left[y -\frac{\delta z}{L_0}y\right]\mathbf{e}_y. \end{align*} \] The first thing we should note is that if our eyes is to believe the imagined object, then both eyes should receive the same color. That is, the pattern on the plane at $z=L$ should be horizontally repeating over a distance of \[ \Delta x = d\frac{L_0(L_0-L)+L\delta z}{L_0^2} = \Delta x_0 + d\frac{L\delta z}{L_0^2}. \] The $(x,y)$-dependence of $\delta z$ makes it hard to extend this pattern indefinitely, but at the end of the day, we only need neighbouring pairs of images to satisfy this relation. It is then an easy task to create a patterned slice of width $\Delta x_0$, to the right of it, we can copy the same pattern only distorting the pattern by the additional factor of $dL\delta z(x,y)/L_0^2$. The next slice would then be a copy of this one, again performing an additional distortion of $dL\delta z(x,y)/L_0^2$. The result of such a procedure can be enjoyed in the image on top of this post.

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